nude models

Kathleen Truffaut lapine

Fine Art Nudes Of Kathleen Truffaut

I have a magnificent fine art nude shoot with my new lovely model Kathleen Truffaut Lapine. If you haven’t heard of her, she is a great model. Besides her fantastic looks, her skills are superb.  There is nothing better than viewing a model like Kathleen when it comes to enjoying beautiful nude art. Kathleen breaks…...

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Tiz The Season With Miky

Tiz The Season With Miky Modeling

Tiz the season with Miky to be jolly! The gorgeous Miky does a great job modeling holiday styles. After the lingerie, she poses nude for my new model. She spreads a lot of holiday cheer and takes away the cold posing in her white see-through teddy tied up with red ribbons. Miky’s long red gloves…...

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