First Shoot For Dakota

First Shoot For Dakota

Here is a glamour modeling creation that I took in March 2017 with a beginner model named Dakota. For this debut photo shoot, Dakota wears three looks, and they were a black tank top with leggings, black dress, and a lingerie set. All of Dakota's clothing were great matches and looked super. There was also a neat dapple lighting effect that shined through the glass block window in the studio which made marvelous headshots and beautiful portraits of Dakota.

First shoot for Dakota

A  glamour modeling creation can be genuine or ordinary. Producing a unique model production depends on what kind of setting there is, the model's appearance and the setting conditions. Here's how I created this masterpiece collection with Dakota. For her first outfit, Dakota wore athletic wear, and if you look closely right near her head, you can see in the portrait a dappled light on the backdrop. The dappled design for this shoot was a natural light effect. How the design appeared was the penetration through the glass block in my studio. A dapple design can be a real or artificially added into the portrait for cosmetic creations.

Here is a sample image of a natural dappled light portrait with Dakota. You see what I'm talking about the effect is unique and neat!

First Shoot For Dakota

Here is a  headshot of Dakota if you look close you still can see the dappled lighting effect. It’s still visible, but lighter in color.

First Shoot For Dakota


First Shoot For Dakota


First Shoot For Dakota


First Shoot For Dakota

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